Suche nach Literatur, Noten, audiovisuellen Medien


Mc 2 / 1996 Broa

Davies, Peter J.:
The cause of Beethoven's deafness / Peter J. Davies. – 1996

In: Aflame with music : 100 years of music at the University of Melbourne / ed. by Brenton Broadstock ... – Melbourne : Centre for studies in Australian music, 1996. – S. 143-151

Inv.-Nr. 97.216

Abschnitte: Introduction. – Onset. – Course and natural history. – The final illness. – The autopsy. – The two exhuminations. – The mechanism of Beethoven's deafness. – A Meningo-Neuro-Labyrinthitis. – Syphilis. – Sarcoidosis. – Otosclerosis. – Paget's disease of the skull. – Autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss. – Secondary aggravating factors. – Summary. – Reference cited.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Taubheit

© Beethoven-Haus Bonn