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Ausstellung / Edinburgh / 1983 / Fagott
im Index Schlagwörter  

Mi 51 / 1983 Wate

Waterhouse, William:
The proud bassoon : an exhibition showing the development of the bassoon over the centuries ; the Waterhouse collection of bassoons and related items ; [exhibition, mounted at the Edinburgh University Collection of historic musical instruments, 17th - 31st August, 1983] / catalogue by William Waterhouse. With a foreword ba Lyndesay Langwill. – Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Collection of historic musical instruments, 1983. – 54 ungez. S. : Ill. (schw.-weiß)

ISBN/ISMN 0-907635-11-3

Inv.-Nr. 84.179

Ausstellung / Edinburgh / 1983 / Fagott
Musikinstrumentenbau / Holzblasinstrument / Fagott / 1521-1967 / Ausstellung / Edinburgh / 1983
Fagott / 1521-1967 / Ausstellung / Edinburgh / 1983

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