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HCB Nl 1 / 1840 Schin 1841
Nl 1 / 1840 Schin 1841
Sammlung H. C. Bodmer

Schindler, Anton:
The life of Beethoven : including his correspondence with his friends, numerous characteristic traits, and remarks on his musical works ; in two volumes / [Anton Schindler]. Edited by Ignace Moscheles [Übersetzung u. Ergänzungen]. – London : Henry Colburn, Publisher, 1841

Einheitstitel: Biographie von Ludwig van Beethoven

Inv.-Nr. 56.591 * 16 HB

2 Ex.

Vol. 1. – 1841. – XXVI, 298 S. : 1 Portr.
Inhalt (grobe Übersicht): Editor's preface. – Introduction by Schindler. – Life of Beethoven: First period (from his birth to the year 1800). – Second period (from 1800 to October 1813). – Third period (from November 1813 till his death in 1827): part 1, part 2. – Supplement: Letters from Beethoven to Kapellmeister Hofmeister and C. F. Peters, music publishers, relative to the sale of some of his compositions. – Letter on the first appearance of Beethoven's "Fidelio". – Beethoven's letters to madame Bettine von Arnim. – Letter of Madame Bettine von Arnim to Goethe. – A day with Beethoven.

Vol. 2. – 1841. – V, 387 S. : 1 Faks. (Brief), 1 Faks. (Noten), Noten, Notenbeisp.
Inhalt (grobe Übersicht): Third period: part 3 (from 1824 till Beethoven's death in 1827). – Musical observations. – Characteristic traits and peculiarities of Beethoven. – Supplement: Beethoven's letters to Madlle. von Breuning, Wegeler, and Ries. – Beethoven's correspondence with Messrs. Neate and Ries. – Account of concert given by Beethoven at the Kaernthnertor Theatre, Vienna. – Characteristic of Beethoven from Wegeler and Ries's "Notizen". – Additional characteristics, traits, and anecdotes of Beethoven. – Beethoven's last moments. – Funeral honours to Beethoven. – Miserere, Amplius, Libera for four voices, with an organ accompaniment. – Concert in aid of Beethoven's of Beethoven's monument at Drury Lane Theatre, July 19, 1837. – Sale of Beethoven's MSS. and musical library. – Systematic catalogue of all the original works of Beethoven, published by T. Haslinger, from Vienna. – Moscheles' complete edition of Beethoven's works, published by Messrs. Cramer and Co.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Biographie / Quelle
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Persönlichkeit / Quelle / Anekdote
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Klaviermusik / Gesamtausgabe / Interpretation / Aufführungspraxis
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Brief / Breuning, Eleonore von / 1793
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Brief / Wegeler, Franz Gerhard / 1800 / 1801 / 1810 / 1816 / 1826 / 1827
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Brief / Ries, Ferdinand / 1804 / 1815-1819 / 1822 / 1823 / 1825
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Brief / Neate, Charles / 1815 / 1816 / 1825
Beethoven, Ludwig van / London / Royal Philharmonic Society / Vertrag / 1816
Neate, Charles / Brief / Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Akademie / Wien / Kärntnertor-Theater / 1824 / Bericht
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Tod / Schindler, Anton / Brief / Moscheles, Ignaz / 1827
Rau, Sebastian / Brief / Moscheles, Ignaz / 1827 / 1828
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Begräbnis
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Denkmal / Bonn / 1845 / Konzert <Veranstaltung> / Wohltätigkeit / London / 1837 / Bericht
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Nachlass / Auktion / 1827
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Gesamtausgabe / Haslinger / Verzeichnis
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Gesamtausgabe / Cramer, Johann Baptist / Moscheles, Ignaz / Verzeichnis
Musikdruck / Beethoven, Ludwig van / WoO 30 / Bearbeitung / Seyfried, Ignaz Xaver von
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Brief / Hofmeister, Friedrich / 1800-1803
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Brief / Peters, Carl Friedrich / 1822-1823
Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 72 / Aufführung / 1806 / Breuning, Stephan von / Brief
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Brief / Arnim, Bettina von / 1810-1812
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Arnim, Bettina von / Brief / Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / 1810
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Besuch / 1823
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Payne, Sarah Burney

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