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Mc 2 KRAM / 2006 Kram

Kramer, Lawrence:
Tolstoy's Beethoven, Beethoven's Tolstoy : the "Kreutzer" sonata / [Lawrence Kramer]. – 2006

Auszüge aus: After the lovedeath: sexual violence and the making of culture (1998).

In: Critical musicology and the responsibility of response : selected essays / Lawrence Kramer. – Aldershot [u.a.] : Ashgate, 2006. – S. [146]-161

Inv.-Nr. 07.1023

Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 47 / Tolstoj, Lev N. / Kreutzer-Sonate
Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 47 / Rezeption / Tolstoj, Lev N.

© Beethoven-Haus Bonn