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Ludwig van Beethoven, "Schottische Lieder" für eine oder mehrere Singstimmen, Violine, Violoncello und Klavier op. 108, 1-25 und von Haydn, Partitur, Stimmen, Thomson

C 252 / 136

Beethoven, Ludwig van:
[Op. 108 – Thomson]
A Select Collection of / ORIGINAL SCOTTISH AIRS / With Introductory & Concluding Symphonies / & Accompaniments for the / PIANO FORTE, VIOLIN & VIOLONCELLO / By / Haydn & Beethoven. / With Select Verses adapted to the Airs, including upwards of / One hundred new Songs by / BURNS, / Together with his celebrated Poem of / The Jolly Beggars / Set to Music by / HENRY R. BISHOP. – [Partitur, Stimmen, Originalausgabe]. – London. : Printed & Sold, by Preston. 97, Strand. ; Edinburgh. : And by G. Thomson the Editor and Proprietor, 1818

Bevorzugter Titel: Schottische Lieder, op. 108

Incipit: Behold my love how green the groves * Sympathy * Why Julia, say * Oh! thou art the lad of my heart * Could this ill world * The highland watch * Old Scotia wake thy mountain * The sweetest lad was Jamie * Bonny laddie, highland laddie * Where got ye that siller moon * Music, love and wine * O let me music hear * The maid of Isla * The lovely lass of Inverness * O swiftly glides the bonny boat * O how can I be blithe * Come fill, fill, my good fellow * Oh had my fate been join'd whith thine * Sunset * The sun upon the Weirdlaw hill * Love is the cause of my mourning * Dim, dim is my eye * Farewell to the muse * Enchantress farewell * O Marian is a bonny lass * O Mary at the window be * O Mary, at thy windows be * Oh! was I blame to love him * Jeanie's distress * Faithfu' Johnie * When will you come again * The shepherd's song * The gowan glitters * A soldier am I * Poor fluttring heart * O cruel was my father * Now bank and brae are cloth'd in green * Again my lyre * Oh! sweet were the hours * Sally in our alley * Of all the girls that are so smart * With quaffing and laughing

Vl und Vc fehlen. – Datierung nach der Datierung auf dem Einbandtitel.

[Einband:] VOLUME V. – Published in 1818. / A / SELECT COLLECTION / OF / ORIGINAL SCOTISH AIRS, / FOR THE VOICE; / WITH SYMPHONIES & ACCOMPANIMENTS / TO EACH AIR, / [FOR THE] PIANOFORTE, VIOLIN, AND VIOLONCELLO; [nicht lesbar] / HAYDN & BEETHOVEN; / WITH ALL THE MOST ADMIRED SONGS, ANCIENT AND MODERN, [...] TO THE AIRS, MANY OF THE LATTER WRITTEN FOR THIS WORK / ABOVE ONE HUNDRED OF THEM BY / BURNS, / TOGETHER WITH HIS CELEBRATED CANTATA OF / The Jolly Beggars, / SET TO MUSIC BY / H. R. BISHOP. / THE WHOLE COLLECTED AND PUBLISHED IN FIVE VOLUMES, BY / G. THOMSON, F. A. S. / Edinburgh: / OF WHOM MAY BE HAD, PRINTED UNIFORMLY WITH THIS WORK, / A SELECT COLLECTION OF WELSH AIRS, FOR THE VOICE, IN THREE VOLS. / ALSO, / A SELECT COLLECTION OF IRISH AIRS, FOR THE VOICE, IN TWO VOLS. / WITH SYMPHONIES and ACCOMPANIMENTS TO THE AIRS in each Work, composed also by / Haydn & Beethoven. THE POETRY BY BURNS, LORD BYRON, J. P. CURRAN, ESQ., M. G. LEWIS, ESQ. S. ROGERS, ESQ. / W. C. SPENCER, ESQ. WALTER SCOTT, ESQ. W. SMYTH, ESQ. JOANNA BAILLIE &c. // [Titelseite:] A Select Collection of / ORIGINAL SCOTTISH AIRS / With Introductory & Concluding Symphonies / & Accompaniments for the / PIANO FORTE, VIOLIN & VIOLONCELLO / By / Haydn & Beethoven. / With Select Verses adapted to the Airs, including upwards of / One hundred new Songs by / BURNS, / Together with his celebrated Poem of / The Jolly Beggars / Set to Music by / HENRY R. BISHOP. / Price of each Volume, the Voice & Piano Forte One Guinea. – The Violin & parts separate 6 sh. / [Vignette] / My vows & sighs like silent air / Unheeded never move her! / Vol. 5. Ent.d at Stationers hall. / London, Printed & Sold. by Preston. 97. Strand. And by G. Thomson the Editor and Proprietor Edinburgh. // [Titelseite zum Libretto von Bishop:] THE / JOLLY BEGGARS, / A CANTATA, / BY / BURNS: / Set to Music, with / ACCOMPANIMENTS FOR THE PIANO-FORTE, / VIOLIN, FLUTE, & VIOLONCELLO, / BY / HENRY R. BISHOP, / COMPOSER & DIRECTOR OF THE MUSIC TO THE THEATRE-ROYAL / COVENT-GARDEN: / FOR GEORGE THOMSON, EDINBURGH, / 1818.

Inv.-Nr. 05.289

Vol. 5. Ent.d at Stationers hall.. – 1818. – 2 S., S. 202-230, 30, 6, [2], 5 S. ; Hochformat.
Incipit: Behold my love, how green the groves * Sympathy * Why Julia, say, that pensive mean? * Oh! thou art the lad of my heart * Could this ill world have contriv'd * The highland watch * Old Scotia, wake thy mountain strain * The sweetest lad was Jamie * Bonnie laddie, highland laddie * Where got ye that silver moon * The answer * Ye but some lawland loon * Music, love and wine * O let me music hear, night and day! * The maid of Isla * O maid of Isla from you cliff * The lovely lass of Inverness * Glencoe * I'm weary of the sun so bright * O swiftly glides the bonny boat * O how can I be blythe and glad * The blythe air, Miss Forbes's farewell * The hour is come * Come fill, fill my good fellow * O had my fate been join'd with thine * Sunset * The sun upon the Weirdlaw hill * Dim, dim is my eye * Enchantress, farewell * O Marion is a bonny lass * Sweet Anne, thy charms my bosom fires * O Mary, at the window be * O was I to blame to love him * Jeanie's distress * Faithfu' Johnie * When will you come again * The shepherd's song * The gowan glitters on the sward * A soldier am I * Poor flutt'ring heart * O cruel was my father * Now bank and brae are cloth'd in green * Again, my lyre, yet once agian * Oh, sweet were the hours * Sally in our alley * Of all the girls that are so smart * With quaffing and laughing they ranted and they sang
Preisangabe: Price of each Volume, the Voice & Piano Forte One Guinea.-The Violin & parts separate 6 sh. – Plattendruck, Textseiten Typendruck. – Enthält: op. 108, englische Originalausgabe. Haydn: Schottische Lieder, Hob 31a, 265 (Polwarth on the green), Hob 31a, 62bis (O was I to blame to love him), Hob 31a, 101bis (A soldier am I), Hob 31a, 140bis (Now bank and brae are cloth'd with green). Henry Rowley Bishop: The jolly beggars. Das Libretto von The jolly beggars mit eigener Titelseite. – Vorwort "TO THE PUBLIC" datiert 1818. – Index to the Poetry, Index to the Jolly Beggars und Index to the airs (2 S. ) am Ende eingebunden (anders als bei KH beschrieben). – Enthält: Glossary of the scottish words which occur in G. Thomson's Collection of the songs. – Mit Frontispiz: The Gaberlunzie Man, Design'd by Allan. Drawn by Stothard. Engrav'd by P. Thomson. Datiert 1818. – Datierung nach der Einbanddatierung und nach dem Kolophon. – Besonderheit bei der Paginierung im Volksliedteil: Der Notentext und der Text des Liedes - auf einander gegenüberliegenden Seiten - haben jeweils dieselbe Seitenzahl. – Stechervermerk der Vignette auf der Titelseite: D. Allan inv. Ranson Sculp. – Stechervermerk am Ende des Glossary: John Moir, Printer, Royal Bank Close, Edinburgh. – Stechervermerk auf S. 230: Printed by W. Hutton Edin.r, Kolophon auf S. 30 von The jolly Beggars: EDINBURGH Printed for the Proprietor G. Thomson. 1818. – Handschriftlicher Namenszug auf der Titelseite: G. Thomson.

Musikdruck / Volkslied / Singstimme / Violine / Violoncello / Klavier / Originalausgabe
Musikdruck / Besetzung / 4
Stothard, Thomas / Stecher
Ranson, ... / Stecher
Thomson, P. / Stecher
Allan, David / Stecher
Hutton, William / Stecher
Moir, John / Stecher
Musikdruck / Titelseite / Abbildung
Musikdruck / Besetzung / 6

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