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Callcott, William Hutchins
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HCB P / 1836 Musi
Sammlung H. C. Bodmer

Complete collection of Beethoven's symphonies arranged for the pianoforte, by F. Kalkbrenner. No. 3 : Cocks & Co. .... – 1838

Sammelrezension: Beethoven's choral works arranged for the organ, by Henry John Gauntlett. Nos. 1. & 2. (Cramer & Co.). – Beethoven's six master-pieces, edited by Czerny (Cocks & Co.). – Beethoven's Grand march and chorus in the Ruins of Athens, arranged by W. H. Callcott (Lonsdale).

In: The musical world. – 9 (1838), vom 3.5., S. 17-18

Inv.-Nr. 56.438


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