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F 1993

Beethoven, Ludwig van:
[Op. 81a – Clementi, 1820]
Les Adieux, / L'Absence, et Le Revoir, / SONATE CARACTERISTIQUE / POUR LE / Piano Forte, / PAR / Louis Van BEETHOVEN. / [l.:] Ent. at Sta. Hall. – [Engl. Originalausgabe]. – London, : Printed by CLEMENTI & C.o 26, Cheapside. / Where may be had just Published a Grand Concerto ..., [1811]. – 17 S. ; Hochformat

Bevorzugter Titel: Sonaten, Kl, op. 81a

Preisangabe: Price 6 s. – Stich. Mikrofilm des Ex. der British Library, London. – Datierung nach KH 2, Londoner Erstausgabe, Eintr. in Stat. Hall am 28.1.1811.

Fundort: GB-Lbl (h 376)

PN/VN: N.o 1820.

Les Adieux, / L'Absence, et le Revoir, / SONATE CARACTERISTIQUE / POUR LE / Piano Forte, / PAR / Louis Van Beethoven. / [l.:] Ent. at Sta. Hall. [M., im Block:] London, / Printed by CLEMENTI & C.o 26, Cheapside. [r.:] Price 6s. – / Where may be had just Published a Grand Concerto, by J. B. Cramer, Op. 48. Price 10s,,6. / for the Piano Forte as newly Constructed by Clementi & C.o with Add.l Keys up to F, / and also arranged for the Piano Forte up to C. / A Grand Concerto for the Piano Forte by J. D. Bomtempo. Op. 7. Price 10s,,6. Two Sonatas, Op. 63. / by Lewis Van Beethoven. Price 8s. A Duet for the Harp & Piano Forte by Dussek. Op. 72. Price 4s/ & / A Quartet for two Violins, Tenor & Violoncello. by Lewis Van Beethoven, Op. 62. Pr. 7s,,6

Musikdruck / Sonate / Klavier / Originalausgabe / Reproduktion
Musikdruck / Besetzung / 1

© Beethoven-Haus Bonn