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P / 1852 Dwig

Czerny, Carl:
Recollections of Beethoven / by Carl Czerny. – 1852

Anekdotensammlung über Beethoven, zuerst erschienen in "Cock's Musical Miscellany" (London). In einem weiteren Beitrag dazu (Nr. 26, S. 204 f.) wird die Autorschaft Czernys angezweifelt. – Mikrofiche.

In: Dwight's journal of music. – 1 (1852), Nr. 24, vom 18.9., S. 185-186

Inv.-Nr. 09.879

Abschnitte: His style of playing. – His improvisations. – A theme. – Another theme: op. 77. – The bird's song and the symphony in c Minor. – The historical character of his works. – His facility in reading. – Self-appreciation. – His position and character.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Pianist / Improvisation / Anekdote
Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 77 / op. 68 / Anekdote
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Persönlichkeit / Charakter / Anekdote

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