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Z 6386
Z 11903
Z 11868

Stroh, Patricia:
Evolution of an edition: the case of Beethoven's opus 2 / by Patricia Stroh. – 2000-2012

In: Notes

Z 6386

1. Punches, proofs, and printings ; the seven states of Artaria's first edition. – 2000
In: Notes. – 57 (2000/01), S. 289-329
Inv.-Nr. 01.413

Z 11903

2. Partners and pirates, correction and corruption: the reprint publishers and their editions from 1798 to 1826. – 2003
Ausdruck aus dem Internet vom 25.7.2012:
In: Notes. – 60 (2003/04), S. 46-129
Inv.-Nr. 12.540

Z 11868

3. A missing link in the case of Beethoven's opus 2. – 2012
In: Notes. – 68 (2011/12), S. 489-525
Inv.-Nr. 12.455

Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 2 / Ausgabe / Quellenforschung
Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 2 / Edition / Musikverlag / 1798-1826

© Beethoven-Haus Bonn