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3 Treffer zu Beethoven, Ludwig ¬van¬ / op. 72 / Aufführung / London / 1827 / Plakat / Theaterzettel
im Index Schlagwörter Sortiert nach: Verfasser, Titel, Jahr.

Nm 721 / 1827 Bish

LAST NIGHT but One. / THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. / This present WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1827, / Grand Performance of Antient & Modern Music / UNDER THE DIRECTION OF / MR. H. R. BISHOP. / PART I. A SELECTION / (THE FIRST TIME OF ITS PERFORMANCE IN THIS COUNTRY,) FROM / BEETHOVEN'S / CELEBRATED WORK, / FIDELIO. / [...] / PART II. / A GRAND and POPULAR SELECTION. / OVERTURE ..... IPHIGENIA. ..... GLUCK. / MOZART'S GRAND CANTATA, - "DAVIDDE PENITENTE." / [weitere Werke von Händel, Cherubini, Bishop u.a.] / PART III. / A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS ACT. / OVERTURE .... (By Desire) .... "LA GAZZA LADRA." ROSSINI. / [...]. – [London] : Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, 1827. – [1] Bl.

Theaterzettel für das Konzert am 4. April 1827 unter Leitung von H. R. Bishop mit der englischen Erstaufführung einer Auswahl aus Fidelio op. 72. Die ursprünglich geplante englische Erstaufführung am 28.3.1827 musste abgesagt werden (s. auch die Konzertankündigung für den 28.3., Inv.-Nr. 10.293 und den geänderten Konzertzettel mit der Absage des Fidelio, Inv.-Nr. 10.292.

Inv.-Nr. 10.294 GF

[Wiedergabe:] LAST NIGHT but One. / THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. / This present WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1827, / Grand Performance of Antient & Modern Music / UNDER THE DIRECTION OF / MR. H. R. BISHOP. / PART I. A SELECTION / (THE FIRST TIME OF ITS PERFORMANCE IN THIS COUNTRY,) FROM / BEETHOVEN'S / CELEBRATED WORK, / FIDELIO. / [...] / PART II. / A GRAND and POPULAR SELECTION. / OVERTURE ..... IPHIGENIA. ..... GLUCK. /First Time at these Performances, a SELECTION from / MOZART'S GRAND CANTATA, - "DAVIDDE PENITENTE." / [weitere Werke von Händel, Cherubini, Bishop u.a.] / PART III. / A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS ACT. / OVERTURE .... (By Desire) .... "LA GAZZA LADRA." ROSSINI. / [...] / The next Grand Performance of Antient and Modern Music will take place at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, on / FRIDAY NEXT - in the course of which will be performed HANDEL'S admired Serenata, ACIS AND GALATEA: / Being the LAST NIGHT of the Season!! / The Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, are most respectfully acquainted that, in order to prevent / Mistakes which have frequently occurred, at the time of Places in the DRESS CIRCLE being taken for these / Performance it will also be requisite the Tickets of Admission at the Doors should be had, and paid for. / NO ORDERS ADMITTED: / Principal Vocal Performers. / Miss PATON, / Miss LOVE, / [...] / The BAND will be numerous and complete in every department. / Leader, MR. SPAGNOLETTI. / [...] / Printed by W. Reynolds, 9, Denmark-Court, Strand.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 72 / Aufführung / London / 1827 / Plakat / Theaterzettel

Nm 721 / 1827 Bish

LAST WEEK BUT ONE. / THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. / On WEDNESDAY next, MARCH 28, 1827, / Grand Performance of Antient & Modern Music / UNDER THE DIRECTION OF / MR. H. R. BISHOP. / PART I. / A Selection / (THE FIRST TIME OF ITS PERFORMANCE IN THIS COUNTRY,) FROM / BEETHOVEN'S / CELEBRATED WORK, / FIDELIO [...] / PART II. / A GRAND SELECTION. / From the Oratorio, entitled JEFTE IN MASFA, composed by BARTHELEMON; / [...] / A NEW OFFERTORIUM, / By EYBLER, of Vienna. / [...] / PART III: A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS ACT. / OVERTURE .... "DIE ENTFUHRUNG AUS DEM SERAIL." MOZAR. [!] / [...]. – [London] : Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, 1827. – [1] Bl.

Theaterzettel für das Konzert vom 28. März 1827 unter Leitung von H. R. Bishop, bei dem eine Auswahl aus Fidelio op. 72 aufgeführt werden sollte. – S. unter derselben Signatur auch den Konzertzettel für den 28.3.1827 (Inv.-Nr. 10.292), mit der Absage der Fidelio-Aufführung und Anzeige des tatsächlichen Programms (u.a. Weber), sowie den Konzertzettel für den 4. April 1827 mit der tatsächlich stattfindenden Aufführung von op. 72 (Inv.-Nr. 10.294).

Inv.-Nr. 10.293 GF

[Wiedergabe:] LAST WEEK BUT ONE. / THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN, / On WEDNESDAY next, MARCH 28, 1827, / Grand Performance of Antient & Modern Music / UNDER THE DIRECTION OF / MR. H. R. BISHOP. / PART I. / A Selection, / (THE FIRST TIME OF ITS PERFORMANCE IN THIS COUNTRY,) FROM / BEETHOVEN'S / CELEBRATED WORK, / FIDELIO. [weitere Werke von Händel, Haydn, Atwood im 1. Teil] / PART II. / A GRAND SELECTION. From an Oratorio, entitled JEFTE IN MASFA, composed by BARTHELEMON; [...] / THIRD TIME of Public Performance in this Country, / A NEW OFFERTORIUM, / By EYBLER of Vienna. / [weitere Werke im Händel, Guglielmi, Rossini usw.] / PART III. / A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS ACT. / OVERTURE .... "DIE ENTFUHRUNG AUS DEM SERAIL." MOZAR. [!] / [...] / [weitere Werke von Lee, Bishop, Parry u.a.] / FINALE. – GRAND CHORUS .... GOD SAVE THE KING. .... (Occasional Oratorio.) - HANDEL. / HANDEL'S admired Serenata, ACIS AND GALATEA, will be performed / at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane, on Friday next / The Nobility, Gentry and the Public, are most respectfully acquainted that in order to prevent / Mistakes which have frequently occurred, at the time of Places in the DRESS CIRCLE being taken for these / Performances, it will also be requisite the Tickets of Admission at the Doors should be had, and paid for. / NO ORDERS ADMITTED. / Principal Vocal Performers. / Miss PATON, / Miss LOVE, / [...] / The BAND will be numerous and complete in every department. / Leader, MR. SPAGNOLETTI. / [...] / Printed by W. Reynolds, 9, Denmark-Court, Strand.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 72 / Aufführung / London / 1827 / Plakat / Theaterzettel

Nm 721 / 1827 Bish

Last Week but One. --- THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. / This present WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1827, / Grand Performance of Antient & Modern Music / UNDER THE DIRECTION OF / MR. H. R. BISHOP. / Unavoidable circumstances having prevented the Rehearsals which were indispensable of the Selection / announced for this Evening from BEETHOVEN's "FIDELIO" [...] / [...] have rendered it / necessary to state, that / The Selection from BEETHOVEN'S FIDELIO is POSTPONED. – [London] : Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, 1827. – [1] Bl.

Theaterzettel mit dem Hinweis auf die Verschiebung der eigentlich geplanten Aufführung aus Fidelio (s. den früheren Theaterzettel, Inv.-Nr. 10.293) und Ankündigung des tatsächlichen Konzertprogramms für den 28. März 1827 unter Leitung von H. R. Bishop. – Statt op. 72 wird die geistliche Kantate "In seiner Ordnung schafft der Herr" von C. M. von Weber aufgeführt, außerdem Werke von Haydn, Händel, Teile aus Mozarts Entführung, im zweiten Teil ein neues Offertorium von Eybler und im dritten Teil die Ouvertüre aus "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" von W. A. Mozart. – S.a. den Theaterzettel für den 4. April 1827 (Inv.-Nr. 10.294) für die Fidelio-Aufführung.

Inv.-Nr. 10.292 GF

[Wiedergabe:] Last Week but One.---THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. / This present WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1827, / Grand Performance of Antient & Modern Music / UNDER THE DIRECTION OF / MR. H. R. BISHOP. / Unavoidable circumstances having prevented the Rehearsals which were indispensable of the Selection / announced for this Evening from BEETHOVEN's "FIDELIO," a due respect towards the Public, and / the desire that a work of so eminent a Master should receive the advantages it merits, have rendered it / necessary to state, that / The Selection from BEETHOVEN'S FIDELIO is POSTPONED. / The Performance of this Evening will, therefore, consist of / A GRAND SELECTION. / PART I. – Fourth Time in this Country, / WEBER's SACRED CANTATA, / "In seiner Ordnung schafft der Herr" / (From the SCORE in the possession of SIR GEORGE SMART.) / The words translated from the German of FRIEDRICH ROCHLITZ. / [weitere Werke von Händel, Haydn, Atwood im 1. Teil] / PART II. / THIRD TIME of Public Performance in this Country, / A NEW OFFERTORIUM / By EYBLER of Vienna / [weitere Werke von Barthelemon, Händel, Guglielmi, Rossini usw.] / PART III. / A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS ACT. / OVERTURE .... "DIE ENTFUHRUNG AUS DEM SERAIL." MOZART. / [...] / In consequence of the very numerous applications, which have been received, HANDEL's Sacred Oratorio, THE / MESSIAH, with additional Accompaniments by MOZART, will be performed (POSITIVELY for the LAST / TIME this Season.) at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, on FRIDAY NEXT. the 30th Instant. / Principal Vocal Performers. / [...] / The BAND will be numerous and complete in every department. / Leader, MR. SPAGNOLETTI. / [...] / Printed by W. Reynolds, 9, Denmark-Court, Strand.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 72 / Aufführung / London / 1827 / Plakat / Theaterzettel

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