Suche nach Literatur, Noten, audiovisuellen Medien


Z 11776

Said, Edward W.:
Late Beethoven: Music, thought, imagination. By Maynard Solomon. California : Beethoven's ninth: A political history. By Esteband Buch. Chicago ; Beethoven: The music and the life. Norton / [rezensiert von] Edward W. Said. – 2003

Sammelrezension von drei Beethoven-Büchern: Late Beethoven / Maynard Solomon (Bekeley u.a., University of California Press, 2003). Beethoven's ninth / Esteban Buch (Chicago u.a., Chicago University Press, 2003). Beethoven, the music and the life / Lewis Lockwood (New York u.a., Norton, 2003). – Fotokopie.

Rilm 03:02134-2. – Rilm 03:01071-1

In: The nation. – 277 (2003), H. 6, S. 38-42

Inv.-Nr. 12.191


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