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Z 12633

Barbieri, Aldo:
Non functional notes on orchestral parts / Aldo Barbieri. – 2013. – Faks. (Noten)

Zur editorischen Textkritik in Orchesterwerken. – Fotokopie.

Music: function and value : proceedings of the 11th International concress of musical signification ; 27 IX - 2 X 2010, Kraków, Poland / ed. by Teresa Malecka ... – Kraków : Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, 2013. – Vol. 2. – S. 55-66

Inv.-Nr. 14.672

Musik / Skizze / Notiz
Komponist / Werk / Notiz
Musikphilologie / Textkritik

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