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Muratova, Yelena:
Beethoven in the Soviet revolutionary / Yelena Muratova. – Los Angeles, 2014. – 16 S.

Ausdruck aus dem Internet vom 14.6.2016:

Inv.-Nr. 16.656

Abschnitte: The mythos of Beethoven the revolutionary. – Music without a message in revolutionary russia. – The conflict between modernists and the left: creating a new revolutionary music. – Building Beethoven. – Beethoven and the centennial. – The cultural revolution. – Two different revolutions. – Works cited.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Weltanschauung / Revolution
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Rezeption / Sowjetunion / 1917-1970
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Rezeption / Sowjetunion / Ideologie / Politik

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