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Brunsvik <Familie> / Reise / Italien / England / Plan
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Z 14908

Steblin, Rita:
New evidence for Josephine as the "Immortal beloved" involving Beethoven and England in 1818 / Rita Steblin. – 2019. – Faks. (Brief)

Einige Details zu Josephine Deyms Leben. Beethoven und Josephine Deym hatten unabhängig voneinander Reisepläne nach England. In Wien interessierten sie sich für Vorlesungen bzw. Veröffentlichungen des Astronomen von Littrow. – Fotokopie.

In: The musical times. – 160 (2019)=Nr. 1947, S. 1-27

Inv.-Nr. 19.557

Abschnitte: Antonie Brentano. – Beethoven's contact with the Brunsviks after 1807. – Josephine in 1812. – A new document from late October 1812: Therese's letter to Josephine about a planned trip to Italy. – Josephine's illegitimate child: Maria Laura Stackelberg. – The birth of Minona, Josephine's seventh child, on 8 April 1813. – The birth and death of Emilie (1815-1817), Josephine's eighth child. – Josephine's connection to England. – A new document from May 1818 mentioning Josephine, Beethoven - and England.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Brief / unsterbliche Geliebte / Rezeption
Beethoven, Ludwig van / unsterbliche Geliebte / Deym, Josephine
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Deym, Josephine
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Brentano, Antonie
Brunsvik <Familie> / Reise / Italien / England / Plan
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Reise / England / Plan
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Littrow, Johann Joseph von
Brunsvik <Familie> / Littrow, Johann Joseph von

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