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1 Agostini, Franco
  Agoult, Marie ¬d'¬ -> Agoult, Marie de Flavigny ¬d'¬
  Agoult, Marie C. ¬d'¬ -> Agoult, Marie de Flavigny ¬d'¬
  Agoult, Marie Catherine Sophie ¬d'¬ -> Agoult, Marie de Flavigny ¬d'¬
  Agoult, Marie Catherine Sophie de Flavigny ¬d'¬ -> Agoult, Marie de Flavigny ¬d'¬
2 Agoult, Marie de Flavigny ¬d'¬ [Widmungsträger]
1 Agoult, Marie de Flavigny ¬d'¬ *
1 Agrell, Donna [Fagott]
1 Agrell, Donna *
  Agrell, Giovanni -> Agrell, Johan
  Agrell, Ioannes -> Agrell, Johan
2 Agrell, Johan
1 Agrell, Johan *
  Agrell, Johan Joachim -> Agrell, Johan
  Agrell, Johann -> Agrell, Johan

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