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3 Bilancioni, Guglielmo
1 Bilgram, Hedwig [Kl]
1 Bilgram, Hedwig *
10 Bilica, Krzysztof
1 Bilica, Krzysztof *
1 Bilke, Rudolf
2 Billeter, Bernhard
1 Billeter, Bernhard [Hrsg.]
  Billigheim, Carl Wenzeslau zu Leiningen -> Leiningen-Billigheim, Carl Wenzeslaus ¬zu¬
  Billing, ... ¬de¬ -> Billing, Camille ¬de¬
2 Billing, Camille ¬de¬ [Widmungsträger]
1 Billing, Camille ¬de¬ *
1 Billmann, Hans-Joachim
  Billroth, ... -> Billroth, Theodor
  Billroth, Chr. A. Th. -> Billroth, Theodor

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