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1 Cronegk, Johann Friedrich ¬von¬ [Textverf.]
1 Cronegk, Johann Friedrich ¬von¬ *
  Cronegk, Johann Friedrich ¬Freiherr von¬ -> Cronegk, Johann Friedrich ¬von¬
  Cronenberg, Bernhard -> Gritsch, Bernhard
1 Crooy, Emanuel [Fotogr.]
1 Cropper, Peter
1 Crosby, Harry H.
1 Crosland, Jessie [Übers.]
1 Cross, Eric [Übers.]
1 Cross, Gregory [Tenor]
1 Cross, Gregory *
1 Crossman, Allan [Komponist]
1 Crossman, Allan *
1 Crotch, William
1 Crotch, William *

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