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1 Doussin-Dubreuil, Jacques Louis
1 Doussin-Dubreuil, Jacques Louis *
1 Doutt, Margaret Elizabeth
4 Dove, Rita
1 Dove, Rita *
  Dove, Rita Frances -> Dove, Rita
1 Dovicchi, Joao Candido Lima
  Dovland, Iohn -> Dowland, John
  Dovski, Lee ¬van¬ ¬[Pseud.]¬ -> Lewandowski, Herbert
1 Dovsky, Beatrice
1 Dovsky, Beatrice *
  Dovsky, Beatrice ¬von¬ -> Dovsky, Beatrice
  Dovsky, Beatriz -> Dovsky, Beatrice
1 Dow, Dorothy [Leonore]
1 Dow, Dorothy [Sopran]

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