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1 Halem, Gerhard Anton ¬von¬
3 Halem, Gerhard Anton ¬von¬ [Textverf.]
1 Halem, Gerhard Anton ¬von¬ *
  Halem, Gerhard Anton ¬von¬ -> Halem, Gerhard Anton ¬von¬
  Halem, Gerhardus Antonius ¬de¬ -> Halem, Gerhard Anton ¬von¬
1 Halem, Victor [Rocco]
  Halevi, Z. -> Halévy, Fromental
  Halévy, ... -> Halévy, Ludovic
  Halévy, F., -> Halévy, Fromental
  Halévy, François J. -> Halévy, Fromental
2 Halévy, Fromental
1 Halévy, Fromental [Komponist]
1 Halévy, Fromental [Widmungsträger]
1 Halévy, Fromental *
  Halévy, Fromentin -> Halévy, Fromental

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