Search for literature, sheet music, audiovisual media


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All Literature Sheet music Audiovisual media
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2 Mazzinghi, Joseph
1 Mazzinghi, Joseph *
1 Mazzolà, Caterino [Textverf.]
1 Mazzolà, Caterino *
  Mazzola, G. -> Mazzola, Guerino
3 Mazzola, Guerino
1 Mazzola, Guerino *
  Mazzola, Guerino B. -> Mazzola, Guerino
1 Mc Carthy, John [Chorleitung]
  Mc Carthy, John -> McCarthy, John
  Mc Carthy, Mary -> McCarthy, Mary
  Mc Corkle, Margit L. -> McCorkle, Margit L.
  Mc Cracken, James -> McCracken, James
  Mc Donald, Hugh -> MacDonald, Hugh
1 Mc Dougall, ... [Widmungsträger]

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