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5 New Philharmonia Chorus <London>
1 New Philharmonia Chorus <London> *
11 New Philharmonia Orchestra <London>
1 New Philharmonia Orchestra <London> *
  New Philharmonia Orchestra <London> [zeitweiser Name] -> Philharmonia Orchestra
  New Philharmonic Orchestra <London> -> New Philharmonia Orchestra <London>
2 New Queen's Hall Orchestra <London>
1 New Queen's Hall Orchestra <London> *
  New Queen's Hall Orchestra -> New Queen's Hall Orchestra <London>
1 New Scala Theatre <London>
  New York Metropolitan Chorus -> Metropolitan Opera. Chorus
  New York Metropolitan Orchestra -> Metropolitan Opera. Orchestra
14 New York Philharmonic
4 New York Philharmonic ¬[Instrumentalmusiker]¬
1 New York Philharmonic *

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