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9 Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
1 Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista [angebl. Komp.]
1 Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista *
  Pergolesi, Johann Baptist -> Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
  Pergolezi, Dzhovani Batista -> Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
  Pergolezi, Dzhovanni Battista -> Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
  Periegeta, Pausanias -> Pausanias, Periegeta
  Périer, Agathe ¬[früherer Name]¬ -> Audley, Agathe
  Périgord, Catherine Noël Talleyrand- -> Talleyrand-Périgord, Catherine Noël
  Perile ¬[Pseud.]¬ -> Riepel, Joseph
1 Perinello, Carlo [Hrsg.]
2 Perinet, Joachim [Textverf.]
1 Perkins, Charles Callahan
1 Perkonig, Josef Friedrich
  Perl, Alfred -> Perl, Alfredo

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