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4 Willander, Alfred
2 Willander, Alfred [Mitarb.]
1 Willander, Alfred *
  Willart, Adrian -> Willaert, Adrian
  Willart, Adrianus -> Willaert, Adrian
2 Willaschek, Wolfgang
2 Willax, Karlheinz
1 Wille, Emilie [Übers.]
1 Wille, Günther
  Willem <Nederland, Koning, II.> -> Wilhelm <Niederlande, König, II.>
  Willem Frederik George Lodewijk <Nederland, Koning> -> Wilhelm <Niederlande, König, II.>
1 Willems, Edgar
1 Willer, Auphel
1 Willer, Luise [Alt]
1 Willer, Luise *

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