Search for literature, sheet music, audiovisual media


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All Literature Sheet music Audiovisual media
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1 metamorphosen von beethoventhemen
1 metamorphosis and transfiguration in beethovens late piano works
1 metapher und dramenstruktur
1 metapher, kommentar, protest
1 metaphor and analysis in hoffmans beethoven criticism
2 metaphor and musical thought
1 metaphor in music
1 metaphoric model of sonata form
1 metaphorical modes in nineteenth-century music criticism
1 metaphors of music criticism in the romantic era
1 metaphors of nature and organicism in music
1 metaphysik der sitten
1 metaphysik geheimnisse
1 metaphysische anfangsgruende der rechtslehre
1 metaphysische anfangsgruende der tugendlehre

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