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Z 1916

Westrup, J. A.:
[Beethoven] / [rezensiert von J. A. W.]. – 1970

Fotokopie. – Sammelrezension: Beethoven: The last decade, 1817-1827. By Martin Cooper. With a medical appendix by Erward Larkin. (Oxford University Press, 1970) ; Ludwig van Beethovens Konversationshefte. Band 4: Hefte 38-48. Ed. by Karl-Heinz Köhler, Grita Herre and Ignaz Weinmann. (Deutscher Verlag für Musik, Leipzig, 1968) ; Catalogo cronologico e tematico delle opere di Beethoven. By Giovanni Giamonti. (Ilte, Turin, 1968).

In: Music and letters. – 51 (1970), S. 195-198

Inv.-Nr. 12327


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