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3 hits for Beethoven, Ludwig ¬van¬ / Uhr
in the index subjects (in german) Ordered by: Author, Title, Year.

Nc 6 / 2003 Beet

Orlandi, Armando:
Beethoven et l'art de l'horlogerie / [Armando Orlandi]. – 2005. – Portr., Faks. (Noten), Ill.

In: Beethoven, la revue de l'Association Beethoven France. – 4.2005, S. 34-39

Inv.-Nr. 05.1296

Abschnitte: L'horlogerie au XVIIIe siècle. – L'horloge de Beethoven. – La montre de Tobias Haslinger. – Les instruments et automates à mécanisme d'horlogerie. – La galerie des merveilles. – La musique de Beethoven pour instruments mécaniques. – Beethoven, Maelzel et le métronom. – Le panarmonicon. – Beethoven, un génie étonnant.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Uhr
Beethoven, Ludwig van / mechanisches Musikinstrument / Flötenuhr
Beethoven, Ludwig van / WoO 33 / Deym, Joseph / Sammlung
Mälzel, Johann Nepomuk / mechanisches Musikinstrument / Orchestrion
Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 91 / Mälzel, Johann Nepomuk
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Sammlung Deym

Nc 2 / 1999 Bonn
No 285 / 1999 Bonn

Bellofatto, Luigi:
Beethoven and the art of horology : the watches of Beethoven, Haslinger and Alexander W. Thayer / Luigi Bellofatto ; Armando Orlandi. – 2011. – Ill.

In: Bonner Beethoven-Studien. – 9 (2011), S. 7-34

Inv.-Nr. 11.291 * 11.290 VE * 11.292 HB

3 Ex.

Abschnitte: Part 1: The watches belonging to Beethoven. – A. Pocket Watches. – B. Beethoven's "Tischstanduhr" preserved at the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn. – C. Beethoven's "Kommodenstanduhr" preserved at the Pasqualatihaus in Vienna. – D. The "Standuhr" shown in two early 20th century photos of Beethoven memorabilia. – E. References to watches in Beethoven's correspondence and conversation books. – F. Iconography. – Part 2: The pocket watch belonging to Tobias Haslinger. – Part 3: Gold pocket watch belonging to Alexander Wheelock Thayer. – Appendix.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Uhr
Haslinger, Tobias / Uhr
Thayer, Alexander Wheelock / Uhr

Nc 2 / 1999 Bonn
No 285 / 1999 Bonn

Bellofatto, Luigi:
Beethoven and the art of horology : addenda and corrigenda / Luigi Bellofatto ; Armando Orlandi. – 2014. – Ill.

Ergänzungen zu dem in BBS 9 (2011) erschienenen Aufsatz.

In: Bonner Beethoven-Studien. – 11 (2014), S. 165-183

Inv.-Nr. 14.741 * 14.742 VE * 14.743 HB

3 Ex.

Abschnitte: A. Pocket watch "Rost". – B. Pocket watch "Prior". – C. Schwarzwälder clock. – D. The pendulum clock present at the BeethovenHaus at the entrance-hall. – D. The repair by Armando Orlandi of the Beethoven Tischstanduhr preserved at the Beethoven-Haus.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Uhr

© Beethoven-Haus Bonn