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C 11 / 19

Beethoven, Ludwig van:
[Op. 11 – Cramer, Beale, 2602]
Trio, for the piano forte, violin & violoncello : op. 11 / composed & dedicated to the Countess de Thunn, by Louis van Beethoven. – [Stimmen]. – LONDON : Published by CRAMER, BEALE & C.o 201 Regent Street. & 67. Conduit Street, [um 1850]. – 19 S., 5 S. (VIOLINO), 5 S. (VIOLIONCELLO) ; Hochformat. – (BEETHOVEN'S WORKS, / Edited by / J. MOSCHELES. / Complete Edition. ; N.o 4)

Bevorzugter Titel: Trios, Klarinette, Violoncello, Klavier, op. 11 (B-Dur) / Arr.

Preisangabe: Price 5s/. – Plattendruck. – Datierung aufgrund der Verlagsbezeichnung, vgl. Parkinson. – Mit Umschlag, identisch mit der Titelseite.

PN: 2602

Inv.-Nr. 06.1317

[Titelseite:] BEETHOVEN'S WORKS, / Edited by / J. MOSCHELES. / Complete Edition. / N.o 4, / TRIO, / FOR THE / Piano Forte, / Violin & Violoncello, / COMPOSED & DEDICATED TO / The Contess de Thunn, / BY / LOUIS VAN BEETHOVEN. / [l.:] Ent. Sta. Hall. [M.:] OP. 11. [r.:] Price 5s/ / LONDON, / Published by CRAMER, BEALE & C.o 201 Regent Street. & 67. Conduit Street. / NB: In this Edition the utmost care has been taken to mark by Maelzel's Metronome, the Authors time of each Movement. / The Violin part of this Trio is occasionally performed on the clarinet of which a separate arrangement is published. Price /

Musikdruck / Trio / Violine / Violoncello / Klavier / Stimmen / Frühdruck
Thun, Maria Wilhelmine von / Widmungsträger
Sharpe, Michael / Geschenk
Musikdruck / Besetzung / 3

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