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P / 1852 Dwig

Mathews, William Smythe Babcock:
Ouseley on musical form / by W. S. B. Mathews. – 1876. – Notenbeisp.

Über musikalische Form, u.a. bei Beethoven, in dem Buch "A treatise on musical form and general composition" von F. A. Gore Ouseley (Oxford, 1875) . – Mikrofiche.

In: Dwight's journal of music. – 36 (1876/77), Nr. 13, vom 30.9., S. 305-306

Inv.-Nr. 09.879

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Form
Ouseley, Frederic Arthur Gore / A treatise on musical form and general composition

© Beethoven-Haus Bonn