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Nl 1 / 1840 Schin 1966

Schindler, Anton:
Beethoven as I knew him : a biography / by Anton Felix Schindler. Edited by Donald W. MacArdle and translated by Constance S. Jolly. – [Übers. der 3. Aufl. von 1860]. – London : Faber & Faber, 1966. – 547 S. : 3 Portr., 3 Faks. (Brief), 1 Faks. (Noten), Notenbeisp.

Einheitstitel: Biographie von Ludwig van Beethoven

Übers. der 3. Auflage von 1860 mit Anmerkungen des Hrsg., einer kurzen Schindler-Biographie, einem Verzeichnis der Rezensionen von Beethovens Werken aus der AmZ und Registern.

Inv.-Nr. 10132 HB

Inhalt: Note on this edition. – List of abbreviations. – Editor's foreword. – Anton Schindler : a biographical sketch. – Foreword to the third edition (1860). – Editor's notes. – Introduction. – Editor's notes. – First period (Beethoven's birth (1770) to the end of 1800). – Appendices to the first period: 1. The situation of music in Vienna at the close of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries. – 2. Introduction to the catalogue of works. – 3. Catalogue of works published between 1795 and the end of 1800. – 4. Music criticism and the reception of Beethoven's works. – Editor's notes. – Second period (1801 to the end of 1814). – Appendices to the second period: 1. The catalogue. – 2. List of works. – 3. Beethoven's musical character. – 4. Criticism of difficulty and incomprehensibility. – Editor's notes. – Third period (1815 to Beethoven's death (1827)). – Appendices to the third period: 1. From the autopsy report. – 2. Wills and financial situation. – 3. A letter from Stephan von Breuning, the death-mask by Danhauser. – 4. Catalogue of works composed in the period. – 5. "The difficult decision". – Editor's notes. – Personality, individual characteristics, anecdotes, etc.: 1. Religion; thoroughbass; aesthetics. – 2. Contemporaries; the master and the young musicians. – 3. Beethoven's memory. – 4. Beethoven's private library. – 5. Wanderlust. – 6. A juvenile trick. – 7. Certificate of survival. – 8. Contrast between the brothers. – 9. The twilight hour. – 10. Beethoven's daily routine. – 11. Moments of deep meditation. – 12. Food and drink. – 13. An Expression of thanks; of Beethoven and Hummel. – Editor's notes. – Musical section. – Editor's notes. – Supplements: A. Beethoven's portraits. – B. Beethoven and his last physician, Dr. Wawruch. – C. Beethoven and prince Nicolai Borissovitch Galitsin. – D. "Beethoven's studies in thoroughbass, counterpoint, and composition"; or, Ignaz Ritter von Seyfried and Tobias Haslinger. – E. Beethoven and Karl Holz. – F. Carl Maria von Weber as a critic of Beethoven. – G. Two measures in the Scherzo of the c minor symphony that are the subject of controversy and continuing disagreement. – H. Papers with reference to the legal controversy with the mechanic Maelzel. – I. Three letters from Beethoven to Bettina. – K. Draft of a letter to Cherubini (1823). – L. The theme of the finale of the quartet in c sharp minor, opus 131. – M. The sonate "Pathétique". – N. The introduction of Beethoven's private library and the public auction of his musical "Nachlaß" in November 1827. – P. Existing personal effects of Beethoven. – Editor's notes. – Reviews of Beethoven works in the "Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung". – Index of compositions. – General index.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Biographie / Quelle
Schindler, Anton / Biographie
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Rezension / Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung <Leipzig> / 1799-1838 / Verzeichnis
Beethoven, Ludwig van / Klaviermusik / Gesamtausgabe / Interpretation / Aufführungspraxis

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