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Beethoven, Ludwig ¬van¬ / Instrumentalmusik / Einspielung / Aufführungspraxis / Interpretation / 1900-1950
in the index subjects (in german)  

Nm 2 / 1994 Stow

Philip, Robert:
Traditional habits of performance in early-twentieth-century recordings of Beethoven / Robert Philip. – 1994

In: Performing Beethoven / ed. by Robin Stowell. – Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge University Press, 1994. – S. 195-204

Inv.-Nr. 94.412 * 94.413

2 Ex.

Abschnitte: Vibrato. – Flexible tempo. – Rhythmic detail. – Tempo rubato. – Portamento.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / Instrumentalmusik / Einspielung / Aufführungspraxis / Interpretation / 1900-1950

© Beethoven-Haus Bonn