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Grundmann C NICO1 / 1
Sammlung Herbert Grundmann

Nicolai, Valentin:
[Op. 3 – Welcker]
Six sonatas for the piano forte or harpsichord with an accompaniment for a violin : opera III / composed and humbly dedicated to Miss Mathew by Valentino Niccolai. – [Klavierpartitur]. – [London] : John Welcker, [um 1782]. – 57 S. ; Hochformat

Bevorzugter Titel: Sonaten, Vl Kl, op. 3

Preisangabe: Price 10 = 6.d. – Plattendruck. – Datierung nach der Adresse des Verlegers. Welcker hatte seinen Firmensitz am Hay Market No. 80 von 1780-1784 (Humphries, C.: Music publishing on the British isles).

Inv.-Nr. 05.4653

[Titelseite:] SIX / Sonatas / for the / PIANO FORTE / OR / HARPSICHORD / with an Accompaniment / for / A VIOLIN / Composed and humbly Dedicated to / MISS MATHEW / BY / Valentino Niccolai / Opera III [l.:] Price 10 = 6.d / [M.:] LONDON / Printed and Sold for the PROPRIETOR, by JOHN WELCKER (Music- / -Seller to their MAJESTIES and the ROYAL FAMILY) N.o 80 in the / Hay Market

Musikdruck / Sonate / Violine / Klavier / Klavierpartitur / Frühdruck
Mathew, ... / Widmungsträger
Musikdruck / Besetzung / 2

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