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King's Theatre <London>
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Nc 98 ENGL / 1826 Boch

Mr. Ebers most respectfully begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, that a grand performance of antient and modern mus. will take place on Friday next, the 10th of February, 1826, under the direction of Mr. Bochsa [...] : Part I. A selection from Haydn's celebrated Sacred oratorio, The creation [...] ; Part III. [...] On account of the enthusiasm with which it was received on the 30th of January last, several parts of the performance having been greeted by bursts of applause, and for the second and last time it can possibly be performed this season, the very celebrated descriptive Grand battle sinfonia in honour of the British Army, composed by Beethoven [...]. – [London] : King's Theatre, 1826. – [1] Bl.

Theaterzettel für die Aufführung von op. 91 im King's Theatre am 10. Februar 1826, mit genauer Beschreibung des Stücks. – Außerdem wurden aufgeführt Haydn, Die Schöpfung, L'Eroe di Lancastro, Fedra u.a. – Dirigent: Bochsa.

Inv.-Nr. 15.1204 GF

[Wiedergabe:] King's Theatre. / Mr. EBERS most respectfully begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, that a / GRAND PERFORMANCE / OF / ANTIENT [!] AND MODERN MUS. / WILL TAKE PLACE / On FRIDAY next, the 10th of FEBRUARY, 1826, / Under the Direction of Mr. BOCHSA. / FOR WHICH OCCASION A SPLENDID ORCHESTRA WILL BE ERECTED ON THE STAGE / PART I. / A Selection from HAYDN's celebrated Sacred Oratorio, / THE CREATION. / The principal Vocal Parts by Mr. SINCLAIR and Mr. SAPIO, Miss POVEY, Miss VENES, and Mr. BELLAMY / At the end of the First Part, / Concerto, Violoncello, Mr. LINDLEY. ... Lindley. / PART II. / In consequence of the general acclamations of applause on the 30th of January last, (several pieces having been encored,) FOR THE SECOND AND LAST TIME / a Selection from a MS. Seriouzs Drama, entitled / L'EROE DIE LANCASTRO, / In which Madame BONINI and Signor VELLUTI will sing the Principal Parts. / And a Selection from a MS. serious Drama, entitled / FEDRA, / The principal Vocal Parts by Madame BONINI, Signor CURIONI, Mr. A. SAPIO, and Signor VELLUTI. / Between the Second and Third Parts, / A Fantasia, French Horn, Signor PUZZI. ... Puzzi. / (His first appearance this season.) / PART III. / A Grand Miscellaneous Act, / In which all the principal Singers will appear. / On account of the enthusiasm with which it was received on the 30th of January last, several parts of the Performance having been greeted by bursts of applause, / and for the second and last time it can possibly be performed this season, the very celebrated descriptive / GRAND BATTLE SINFONIA, / IN HONOUR OF THE BRITISH ARMY, / composed by Beethoven und dedicated to / HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY GEORGE THE FOURTH. / This grand and effective work begins by the approach of the English Army, under the command of Field Marshal His Grace the DUKE OF WELLINGTN, which / is announced by Drums, Trumpets, and a Military Band playing the National Air of "Rule Britannia;" next follows the approach of the French Army, with Drums, / Trumpets, and a Military Band playing the French Air of "Malbruk s'en va en guerre;" then the English Trumpets give the Signal of Battle, and are answered by / the French; immediately afterwards the Battle begins. Here the Music imitates the Firing of Cannon and Musketry, and all the horrors of a Siege; then the retiring / and defeat of the French Army, to the Air of "Marlbruck" (in a minor key). / A GRAND INTRADA / Of Drums and Trumpets announces the Victory, and is followed by / A TRIUMPHAL MARCH AND CHORUS, / (The Words written expressly for this Occasion). The whole to conclude with / THE NATIONAL ANTHEM, "GOD SAVE THE KING" / The Solo Parts by the principal Singers. / For this Sinfonia, the Band and Choruses will be considerably augmented, and the Orchestra will consist of more than / TWO HUNDRED PERFORMERS!!! / Full Particulars of this Act will be duly announced. / PRINCIPAL VOCAL PERFORMERS. / Madame BONINI, / Madame CORNEGA, / Miss POVEY, Miss VENES, / AND / Madame CARADORI ALLAN. / Signor VELLUTI, / [Spalte l.:] Signor CURIONI, / Signor TORRI. / AND / Signor DE BEGNIS, / (His First Appearance this Season,) [Spalte r.:] Mr. SINCLAIR, / AND / Mr. SAPIO, / (His First Appearance at these Performances. / Mr. BELLAMY / AND / Mr. A. SAPIO, / (Pupil of the Royal Academy of Music). / [l.:] The Band will be numerous and complete in every department; Leader, Mr. SPAGNOLETTI. / The Performers in the Choruses will also be numerous, and assisted by the Young Gentlemen of His Majesty's Chapel Royal, St. Paul's Cathedral, and / Westminster Abbey. The Organ is erected by Mr. GRAY. / The Performance to commence at Seven. Boxes 7 s. Pit, 3 s. 6d. Gallery, 2s. Second Price at Nine. / The Opera Free List does not include these Performances. Books of the Performance to be had in the Theatre only, price One Shilling. / Private Boxes, two guineas each, and Ticekts at 7s each, may be secured by applying at Mr. EBERS', 27, Old Bond Street. / Mallett, Printer, 59, Wardour Street, Soho.

Beethoven, Ludwig van / op. 91 / Aufführung / London / 1826 / Plakat / Theaterzettel

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